May 22, 2023


Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “THIS WEEK WITH GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS” on ABC to discuss the ongoing negotiations to responsibly lift the debt ceiling.

Click here to watch Arrington’s full interview.

Chairman Arrington on the current state of negotiations:

“The president had almost 100 days without engaging with the process now. His back is against the wall, we have one proposal that has passed the House. Nobody else has put a proposal on the table. So, he needs to respond to that proposal and now he’s, I believe, just making more excuses not to negotiate a responsible debt ceiling deal that will raise the debt ceiling, pay our bills, protect the good faith and credit of the United States, but also deal with the spending problem that’s driving the inflation crisis and some of the economic woes that we’re experiencing, along with just this massive and unsustainable debt that we’re carrying as a county. So, I hope he changes his tune and I hope in his conversation with Speaker McCarthy that it’s more productive and more focused, again, on the one proposal that has passed — Republicans put forward and passed out of the House.”

Chairman Arrington on Democrats’ attempt to raise taxes:

“We’re heading into recession. The last thing we want to do is add another tax. The president and Democrats passed out of the IRA, the Inflation Reduction Act, taxes on businesses, taxes on energy, taxes on investment. This is not the time to put a tax on our economy or on working families. The president, again, needs to deal with the proposal that passed the House.”

Chairman Arrington on the President’s budget proposal:

“Our federal government is 40 percent bigger today than it was going into COVID. Secondly, the president was the lead negotiator in 2011 for a 10-year spending cap deal and he was doing that in the context of a debt ceiling negotiation. So, this isn’t unprecedented. Even the president’s own budget, if you look at his 10-year budget resolution proposal that he introduced about a month ago, he has $2.7 trillion in discretionary cuts. If you annualize that, that’s over $200 billion a year. We’re talking about going back to $130 billion. That’s what we were spending as a nation, discretionary, just six months ago.”

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